the Florida Federation of Young Republicans delegates and my friends:
the brief time since I attended my first FFYR Quarterly meeting in February
2013, I have developed strong relationships with amazingly devoted Young
Republicans from around the state. I am humbled by the trust that these
Florida YR leaders have shown by asking me to consider a candidacy for
Vice Chairman of the FFYR.
case you don’t know me already:
- I live in Windermere with my wife Michele, daughter Madeleine, and son Davis, and we are members of Holy Family Catholic Church in Orlando.
- I have worked in commercial construction management for almost 17 years and am now a Project Manager in Central Florida for one of the largest privately-held construction firms in the country.
- I am the President of the Orange County Young Republicans and the chairman of the FFYR Platform and Policy Committee.
- I was the “OCYR of the Year” for 2012 and the "Officer of the Year" for 2013 because of my efforts in promoting club activism on policy issues and in volunteering with multiple election campaigns, including Rick Santorum’s presidential run. I now serve as one of the three co-chairs of Santorum’s Patriot Voices organization in Florida.
- In October 2013, I was chosen by BusinessForce to participate in the Central Florida Political Leadership Institute's exclusive annual program for educating prospective candidates on campaigning, governing and public policy.
the Republican Party, we know that our 18-40 age group is a critical
demographic that deserves a seat at the table with those who are setting policy
and calculating the political consequences of those policy decisions. I
was honored to lead the statewide effort to adopt a Young Republican
platform last year in the tradition of the one that Ronald Reagan
spoke about at the 1976 Convention, “a platform that is a banner of bold,
unmistakable colors, with no pastel shades,” which we should carry
throughout the state to communicate to our fellow young Floridians the obvious
differences between ourselves and the Democrats. I hope to be able to
work further in the year ahead to include FFYR leadership in state
Executive/Legislative policy discussions and communications.
this upcoming year, we will continue to prove how invaluable Young Republicans
are to the electoral success of this party. We have an important few
months of critical campaigning ahead of us, and I will put forth the same hard
work, motivation and dedication that I have exhibited in three short years
of involvement with the Orange County Young Republicans into the role of Vice
Chairman of the FFYR.
am proud to be running as part of a team that is dedicated to continuous
improvement of an already award-winning organization. We plan on improving attendance at our
quarterly meetings, filling out all of the Federation’s committees to grow the
talent of its members, and developing the strength of the Federation’s regions.
Reagan said in his acceptance speech at the RNC in Detroit in July 1980, the
Republican Party may have internal quarrels, “but only as to the method of
attaining a goal.” There is no argument about the goal itself – it’s
the same as it was 34 years ago – we must win, because our party is the
only one that has the “positive programs for solving the nation's problems; a
party ready to build a new consensus with all those across the land who share a
community of values embodied in these words: family, work, neighborhood, peace
and freedom.”
would be honored to earn your support this weekend in Ft. Myers, and to allow
me to serve this organization and to lead the achievement of our mutual goals
for the benefit of the Republican Party in Florida.
Thank you, may God bless you, and may He continue to bless
the United States of America.